The goal of the project is the testing of XQuery programs. A tool, called TEXTUAL, has been implemented in order to test XQuery programs. The tool is based on the ideas shown in the following papers:

  • Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón.
    XQuery Testing from XML Schema Based Random Test Cases.
    Proceedings of DEXA (2) 2015, pp. 268-282 PDF
  • Jesús Manuel Almendros-Jiménez, Antonio Becerra Terón.
    Automatic Validation of XQuery Programs.
    Proceedings of iiWAS 2015 PDF

It takes the following inputs:

  • an XML Schema (you can choose one of the list, edit it or write down a new one), e.g., schema01.xsd,
  • an XQuery program to be tested
  • an input property, e.g., an XQuery function representing the input property to be tested w.r.t. the above query, e.g., $book/price < 100,
  • an output property, e.g., a XQuery function representing the output property to be tested w.r.t. the above query, e.g., every $result in $results/* satisfies contains($result/text(),"XML"),
  • an input-output property, e.g., a XQuery function representing the input-output property to be tested w.r.t. the above query, e.g., every $title in $results/* satisfies every $f in $file//(chapter | section)/title satisfies not($title/text()=$f/text()), and
  • a number of steps in test case generation, e.g., 2
  • Check the web interface in the next tab.

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Input XML Schema
Choose an example

Output XML Schema

XQuery Program
Generated test cases
Input Property

Output Property

Input-Output Property